european quiz cup
Stronger than the Olympics and the Rugby World Cup combined

The event of the year!
available in french
Between winners
A tournament where the best of the best Quizzers face off in Paris
From Europe
An international competition with cities from all over the world battling it out in their regions
5000€ at stake!
A legendary final in Paris, and €5,000 to win for the winning duo + many surprises and gifts at Boom Boom Villette!
How it works ?
I play the Original Quiz, whether it's for a special occasion or just for fun
And have one of the highest scores in my region
I'm invited to participate and travel to Paris all expenses paid
And I crush the competition from Europe
I win a cheque for €5,000 and the right to show off for life
Review of the French Cup 2024
the 2nd edition of the French Quiz Cup
40 duos de quizzers sont venus de toute la France pour représenter fièrement leurs villes lors de cette 2nde édition à Paris. Ils ont partagé un après midi ponctué de buzz, de fous rires et de suspense.
L’intensité de l’ambiance n’a cessé de monter jusqu’à la victoire finale remportée à coup de jokers par Elsa et Rodolphe.
🥇 Un grand bravo à l’équipe gagnante de cette édition 2024 : les Herblaysiens !
En 2025, on remet ça pour une édition au sommet : la Coupe d'Europe de Quiz ! Il ne te reste plus qu'à buzzer sans relâche.
High Scores
Le Mans
We're buzzing!

A crazy time with 40 piping hot pairs 🔥
I'm very proud to have helped organize this 2nd edition, and already looking forward to next year....

La Villette center manager
we can't wait!
It was an incredible event that we were delighted to organize😍

Quiz Master
The duos didn't know each other, yet we saw them playing together and cheering each other on, it was so beautiful to see.
What if we did this every Sunday?
you ask a lot of questions!
How can I take part in the French Quiz Cup?
It’s super simple! Just come play an Original Quiz at one of our Quiz Room centers before December 31st! Your score could earn you a spot in the semi-finals in your city, and if you win, it's off to Paris to compete for 5000€ in the French Quiz Cup final!
How many cities can participate?
Quiz Room represents all of France and even Belgium for the 2023 season! We’re located in all corners of the country, including Réunion Island. In 2024, there will be 40 participating cities! There’s probably a Quiz Room center near you!
I've already come to play but my score isn't very good, what should I do?
You can come back and play as much as you want, challenging your score to try to qualify for the semi-finals in your city! Scores will be updated weekly on the website, but the best way is to come back and play again!
I live in Corsica, can I still take part?
Of course! Quiz Room is hosting its European Cup... all across France, even in Corsica :) Come play in Bastia and try your chance to make it to the final in Paris after the local semi-finals!
When can we expect a Music European Cup ?
Big question! Stick around, we won't be here for long! So many of you have been asking for a music quiz cup with the Quiz Room twist... we're thinking about it ;)
What are the rules for the Coupe de France?
It's now the European Quiz Cup! Good question! We’ll let you check out the details of our European Quiz Cup . We can't wait to see you there, let’s get buzzing!