Afraid of being wrongly accused? Quite the opposite, use it to your advantage and become the Scapegoat to rack up extra points.
The mole
available in french
What is it?

The Weakest Link Meets Werewolves of Miller’s Hollow

Inspector or impostor?
At the start of each of the 4 rounds, one team is chosen as The Mole. They know the right answers. They’ll have to try to grab the prize without getting caught. The others will have to investigate...

A little something extra
Knowing (or not) useful things, pop culture, and observation are key to scoring the most points.
Throw in a bit of bluffing, a touch of cunning, and some speeches to save face!

Not so fast!
Useras-tu de stratégie ?
Sauras-tu te défendre quand on t’accusera ?
Sauras-tu observer le langage corporel des accusé.e.s et faire ainsi preuve de flair pour sortir La Taupe de son trou ?
Discover your role:
Slip into the shoes of the impostor, or unmask them.
At Quiz Room, The Mole can see! It sees the right answers.
Unmask or bluff!
The risk? Everyone is watching, and accusations are flying.
forget everything you know about quiz room
Too many right answers? Suspicious.
Too many wrong ones? Useless.
Just the right amount? Genius.
Can you walk the fine line between clever and caught? And when the mob turns on you, will you talk your way out or crumble under the spotlight?
The Quiz Room
On a créé un plateau en cercle comme celui du “Maillon Faible", une scénographie qui rappelle les plus grands moments de “Qui veut gagner des Millions” et des buzzers façon “Questions pour un Champion”.
Seul.e ou en équipe, et quel que soit le nombre de joueurs, on rigole autant qu’au Burger Quiz mais avec ses potes !